
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

Hi Jon,

I am looking a way to generate a mesh out of an object in rhino. This mesh will then be used in some finite element software. What I actually need is the mesh generation command of FEM software, done in GH, before importing my model for FEA. So, the final product is the data file (.txt) that these software usually export.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Views: 649

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Hi JM,

I agree, this could be a pretty valuable work flow.  I've been keeping an eye open for meshing options for a few years now, tried a few 3rd party libraries without much success.  The rhino mesher is primarily developed for visualization, and to get analytic friendly (and optimal) mesh with features such as size transition is near impossible.

Most of the time when I worked at Expedition, we often meshed our model in FEA software Lusas but then actually analyzed in GSA which was better equipped at handling an array of load cases and combinations (and better known by a larger percentage of the office).

You didn't actually mention which software you would like to use.  I would certainly consider what could be done to enable such as workflow.  The biggest hurdles are likely to be whether the software has an API (or text file input) that include defining nurbs surfaces.

I look forward to discussing further,


Hi Jon,

glad to hear of you so fast. Yes, definitely rhino mesher is only for visualization.

I am currently working on iDiana, because of my institution, where it's feasible to make such changes at the data file that is created when saving your progress. But i guess such an option would be useful for any user that want to have deep control on FEM.






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