
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I am having an issue with creating a visualization cluster.

When I cluster my definition while I have only the custom preview component visible, after clustering, my preview in Rhino gets disappear.

I can not keep all the custom previews outside the cluster since I have a large definition with about 12 custom preview component. The entire definition is for creating a graph for an analysis.

I've created a small definition sample. Please see attached image.

How can I solve this issue without outputting anything?



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Do you want to upload your .gh / rhino file? There are a few different things at play here. One, when you're dealing with clusters, previews, tags, or other components that don't have an output other than themselves don't typically show. This is what you're seeing by the custom preview not showing up in your model. One way around this would be to add a second input to your cluster, and another output to your cluster. The second input would function as your swatch, with the output being the geometry you want to shade. Finally, you would just create a series of these sets of components for all 12 of your data sets.


Another alternative would be to use a series of panels (to provide swatch values), and use 2 other panels for your "S" and "R" values. By doing this, and some proper data management, you can have one set of components for all 12 of your sets, without needing to necessarily make this a component. you could still make this a component though if you want :).


I'd be happy to work through this with you if you upload your definition so I can see some more info. I've spent the last semester on a Studio project doing alot of tasks similar to this.

Hi Joseph,

Thank you so much for your explanation.

Please see attached my file.

I am trying to avoid any additional component outside the cluster since my definition is large enough and the only purpose of it is creating a graph.

I will try to test what you have suggested in the mean time.

Thank you for your help!




You'll need to enable the Preview Contents (inside the cluster menu) to see geometry inside a Cluster.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

Thank you so much.

You saved me so much time!





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