
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

My colleague Ramon and I have been working on a set of tools to develop stadium design. For the bowl layout GH has been an outstanding tool that has allowed us to provide our mates and partners with fast response and strong solutions under changing scenarios and tight schedules.
In our definition, we have taken into account all the main parameters that rule structures of this type, such as C-value, adaptative seat layout, corridor and scape route widths, vomitories, etc.
We are still developing our methods, and future upgrades may include occlusion checking and evacuation simulation. If anyone in the forum has a similar experience or would like to discuss about this topic we will be pleased to provide further information.

In the attached images you can see the quality of vision reflected on a custom preview.

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Hi Andrea, glad you like it.


1. The definition is not thought to work with a fixed  C value, it is prepared to work with standard and modular heights and depth of stands (riser) because when we did it we thought our stands will be made with a fixed depth (80 or 90 cm) and incremental heights like, and that is the list you have to supply. 

The script will iterate over the different possible measures until it finds the smallest one that complies with your desired C value, but it wont be the exact, just the best approximation within your list.

2. Changing this also depends on the combinations of riser height and depth you provide, if you enter 1m and 1m in both lists you will get an 45º slope.


Anyway, getting a fixed-c value script would be easier (much easier than what is already there) but IMO it wouldn't have a direct application in real stadiums unless you are ready to make each stand different from the rest, discarding any pre-cast solution.


Hope this helps.



Hi Roberto,

Thanks a lot for the quick response.


When you do concept it is better to have the Ideal c-value constant in all tier. Then in stage D you do the right  approximation (up to 5 mm) for each riser.

I know... what you did is just fantastic! and more complicate, I'm interested to test one with constant C-value.










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