
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,

I'm actually trying to figure out if it's possible to add a shading control to a window in the Energy+ script by using some HoneyBee components. In particular I would like to add a setpoint, for example "OnIfHighSolarOnWindow" with a setpoint of 120 W/m2, as you can do in the IDF Editor of the Energy+ tool. See screenshots below.

I'm wondering if I necessarily have to dive into the wonderful world of the "additionalStrings" input in the HoneyBee_RunEnergySimulation panel or if there's an easier way since I'm not really confident with scripts.

Thanks a lot in advance,

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after a quick look at the "shade part" of the component I found a couple of severe errors adding a custom shade material.

The first one I think there's a spelling mistake in the code at this point of the code:

991....#Check the schedule
992....if schedule == 'ALWAYS ON':
993........schedCntrlType = 'ALWAYS ON'

the line 993 should be 'ALWAYSON' with no spaces in the middle, I think. (See screenshot from the IDF editor where the mistake is highlighted by the software). I corrected it and it should be fixed.

The second one is apparently related to the Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity. I got this Severe error:

** Severe ** WindowMaterial:Shade="WHITEETFE_HOR_EXTERNAL_LAYER_TRANS", Illegal value combination.
** ~~~ ** Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity + Infrared Transmittance not < 1.0

Not sure about what's wrong with this. I attach the material I was trying to use and the panel in the IDF editor.

Always talking about the shades part of the panel, I noticed that you always have to define an input to "distToGlass_" and "shadeCntrlType_". It looks like if it doesn't fit these fields with the default data if left empty. These are just minor stuff, by the way.

Hopefully these are the only bugs, I'll let you know if I find something else.



I am so sorry for the late response.  I got sucked into a black whole of LBNL THERM development this past week and I should have responded to your bug report first.  I was able to re-create your second error about emissivity.  It was a bug an I have since fixed it:

You can find an updated example file here:

I was not able to re-create your first error with the 'ALWAYS ON' schedule.  Could you upload a GH file that shows the error?

Thank you, as always, for finding these bugs.



I actually don't have any other bug to report but I'm going to use this tool quite often since now so I'll basically keep testing it more deeply and I'll eventually let you know, of course.

I attach a GH file as required with 2 panels. The original one shows the bug while in the modified one I deleted the space between the words "ALWAYS ON" in the line 997 of the code. Basically the problem occurs when you set that the shade is always on.

Thank you, as always, for fixing these bugs!




This file seems to be working fine for me now with the ALWAYS ON schedule. Also I am not getting the WindowMateria severe error which you got.







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