
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sorry to mention such a seemingly small bug, but its just really annoying.

Whenever you right-click drag inside Grasshopper to pan, it happens about every second time that once you finish dragging the right-click menu appears. The cursor changes when right-click dragging, so there is a clear distinction between the 2 actions of right-clicking and right-click-dragging, yet the menu can appear in both cases. If dragging is initiated and the hand cursor appears, the right-click menu should not appear.

Normally this wouldn't be so annoying, but I am just recording some screencast videos and it just looks really busy with the menu keeps appearing all the time and I have to click somewhere to make it dissappear. 

I am not sure if it is my mouses fault, but I wouldn't have thought so, as it is fully charged and otherwise very reliable (Logitech MX Master), but theoretically its a possibility. I dont have another mouse at hand right now.

Is it possible to set a different mouse button for panning? Or setting a modifier key for the right-click menu, like having to SHIFT-right-click or something?

But really it should just work as expected.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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I can't repeat it over here, the act of moving the mouse ought to disable the popup menu handler. I assume you have a fairly recent version of Grasshopper installed? Very early releases had awkward button/key handling, but that was years ago.

One explanation I can think of (not very likely I agree) is that your mouse fires multiple button events for every single down/up/click. Is there any way you can test with a different mouse?

Hm, you're right actually on review. Just tried it with another mouse and its not happening, but then also the original mouse was fine. I noticed it just started happening when I am using CamStudio to record a video, so I guess it is causing this weird behaviour. I have turned off all cursor related things in the settings of CamStudio.

Oh well, I guess I will try with a different screen recording software - CamStudio seems to be pretty terrible at freeing memory anyways. Its a shame, because it is free and there are not really that many good free alternatives for Windows. Another reason to finally get GH on Mac ;) Even built in Quicktime can record screen videos and there is a lot of really great programs for it that just work with no noticable slow-down, whereas after recording with CamStudio for just a few minutes, GH becomes cripplingly slow until you quit and restart CamStudio.

Do you know of any screencasting software for Windows that works well with GH?






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