
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello People,

I am basic level for GH and new to Python and would like to ask some help on an error I'm encountering.

Having been fascinated by Nik's beautiful 3D organic coral like definition, I'm trying to develop it for my own project.

On this page, he shared few 3D coral difinitions and especially interested in first and second one.

First one( bunny like 3D coral) - posted on February 2, 2016 at 9:43pm

Second one( sofa like 3D coral) - posted on February 6, 2016 at 3:16am

I followed these instructions, succeeded to build Tetgen, placed the built files in C drive directory and tried to run the definition.  Then some WindowsError came out as follows which I don't know how to fix.

My working environment is;  

OS is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

Rhino is version 5, 64 bit.

Grashoppper is version 0.9.0076, the latest version at this moment. 

It would be great if I can have some help advice / comment.

I appreciate for your attention.

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What is happening in line 13 of your script? Are you trying to run a file? You either don't have access to the file or the file doesn't exist.

If you're typing the path to file make sure to use "/" or add an r before the path string.

path = "c:\directory\myfile.bat"  # fails

path = r"c:\directory\myfile.bat" # works
path = "c:\\directory\\myfile.bat" # works
path = "c:/directory/myfile.bat" # works

Thank you very much for your comment, Mostapha!

The reason of error seems to be simply the Tetgen application is not working.  Sorry for this basic error.  I will struggle to properly compile the Tetgen application again.  Thank you.






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