
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

[bug fixed] PMV calculator warning: "1. The calculation has been terminated by the user!"

I got the following warning "1. The calculation has been terminated by the user!" when using the PMV comfort calculator.

Posts related to this issue don't seem to provide an explanation for the data i have.

Can anybody kindly advise?


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Thanks Chris, much appreciated!!

I gotta know for my own edification... what was the process (at least conceptually) in debugging and knowing that the high met rate and high wind speed were the problem inputs?

The debugging process that I used is not so intuitive given that I made this component a long time ago before I understood how to properly structure code to give correct error messages. It will be much better in the new Ladybug that is underdevelopment. To try to explain what I did here, I opened up the PMV component and commented out the try/except loop that runs the main process of the component. This showed me that the error was occurring in the function that matches PMV and SET at high wind speeds. After printing the results of this function, I noticed that the matching function was diverging and so I added an extra check to nudge the process closer to reasonable values. Again, this is not so intuitive but I'm making sure that better error messages are given in the future.






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