
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I recently reinstalled Ladybug and Honeybee on my computer and noticed that the 3d sunpath tool was no longer working.  Instead I would just get a warning error saying “Solution Exception: Too many values to unpack.”   I had a colleague with an older version installed open the same file I had set up and he was able to run it successfully.  Has anyone else reported a similar error or is this a problem with my install?

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Hi Gera, This is usually the case for version incompatibility and you should receive a warning and not an error. Can you try to insert a new Ladybug_ladybug component into canvas and try to re-run the sunpath again? That should solve the problem. In case it didn't work please open a discussion in Ladybug's group and upload an example file (

Hi Mustapha,

I have the same problem with the recolor mesh component: Too many values to unpack.

I delete honeybee and ladybug from my grasshopper and reinstalled the new version of Novembre 2015. All the component aure uploaded, with the error is still there.

I attached my file.

Thx for the help.



Hi Sebastien,

In your case, you either need to update all the components or keep Ladybug_ladybug and Honeybee_honeybee the same version as the rest. You're using a newer version of Ladybug_Ladybug and Honeybee_Honeybee but the rest of components are from the latest release from Food4Rhino. Chris added two new inputs to legenedParameters component which is why the old component crashes. If you use the updated version (NOV_20_2015) that will work fine.


Thanks Mostapha,

I had he version of the 8th of November.

I have changed all the new components, it works all good now.

Thank you very much, your are doing a really good work guys.





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