
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

[solved] is there a quick way to add a window to a surface of a zone without exploding the building mass geometry?

It seems that if you want to add an arbitrary window surface to a wall surface, you need to explode the building mass geometry and attach the window to a given wall surface, and assemble all individual surfaces (wall, roof, floor, wall with glazing) as a HB zone.

Is there a efficient way to add a window/glazing surface to a surface in a building mass or an existing HB zone?

adding windows in OpenStudio seems way more efficient ...


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Yes, Mostapha, the two workflows with different sequences of components are shown in the GH file attached. It seems both got the same results.

Nevertheless, pls kindly advise! Thanks!


In your file it doesn't really matter since you don't have any openings in adjacent surfaces so you can solve adjacency either before or after adding glazing.





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