
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Image from TT-COREstudio website

I'm pleased to inform you that you can watch the next MEBD class live on Sunday. This week we will cover the essential workflows for conducting effective daylighting analysis with Honeybee. Here is the tentative outline:

09:00 - 09:30

What is Honeybee, Introduction to daylighting simulation

09:30 - 11:00

Geometry preparation workflows, Radiance materials

11:00 - 11:10


11:10 - 12:30

Sky types, Run your first simulation

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:00

Daylighting analysis types, Result visualization, Getting started with annual daylight

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 16:00

Annual daylight analysis and Results interpretation

Check MEBD page for more information including the registration link:

Please feel free to forward this to anyone of interest.



PS: Thank you all for the kind comments and emails for the Ladybug workshop. We recorded the workshop and are in the process of figuring out how to share it with the public. I will send an update once it is uploaded.

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Great news again :)
and thanks for recorded the workshop, I'll stand by your video update.. 
i registered , and I'll try to join your workshop..
thanks Mostapha

Hi Ayman. As you can read up there the video is not uploaded yet. I will send an update once it is uploaded.

Thank you very much

Hi ayman
As Mostapha mentioned the video is not uploaded yet..
We hope he upload the video..

Thanks Mohammed

Thanks Mostapha!! I'm in.
Sadly i was travelling while Ladybug workshop but now im excited about your great news!! Thank you!!!!

Hi, I am looking forward this time is 3pm-10pm Germany time.

Hi Mostapha, 

Looking forward to the workshop! I missed the Ladybug workshop unfortunately but will be keeping an eye on this page for when it is uploaded. 

Thanks Michal for showing the timezones - it's worth noting though for anyone in the UK that we're now in summer time, so it starts at 2pm for us, not 1pm.


about those guys in Iran  :)

Thanks Mostapha
That was great..i enjoy and learned a lot ..
the last discussion was great and awesome ..and at the end my face was weird too :)

Thank you very much for that great workshop - I learned a lot from it and got also  a lot more curious about the bee and the bug.

Hopefully there will be another workshop some time again - would love to join you again =)

Thank you



This was great and very 'full' workshop I guess we will process all information for days or maybe weeks ...great work!






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