
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, does anyone know how to solve this problem?

I have recently downloaded Honeybee but I'm unable to use it. There's always the error message: You should first let Honeybee fly. I have tried re-downloading all the necessary programs such as Radiance, Daysim, Openstudio and Energyplus, but am still unable to get Honeybee to run. Could anyone suggest any ways which I can solve this problem? I'd appreciate that a lot!

Attached is the screenshot showing the error message.


Cheers, Nicole

Views: 1349

Replies to This Discussion

What are the warning messages from the honeybee_honeybee component?

This is the warning message.

1. User name on this system: C:\Users\Nicole Chung\AppData\Roaming has white space. Default fodelr cannot be set.
Use defaultFolder_ to set the path to another folder and try again!
Honeybee failed to fly! :(


The error warning message is pretty clear, there's a blank space in your window username: "Nicole Chung". Easiest solution is to set a new default path without any blank space for ladybug+honeybee. Or you can change your windows username, maybe to "NicoleChung"?

Also send your ladybug + honeybee questions to the forum:


Hello Mostapha,

I also tried installing HoneyBee and Ladybug, and I got the following erros. 

Can you please help me in figuring out what is missing or what should I do.

Thank you 





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