
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper plugins don't show up in the menu bar (Win10 on Parallels!)

I need to install a bunch of GH plugins. What was never a problem on my old apple laptop has now developed to an issue during setting up my new Mac book pro.

I'm using Windows 10 (64 bit) with Parallels, Rhino 5 (floating zoo license) and Grasshopper 090076. After dropping all .gha and .dll files in the special folder/components folder I restart Rhino and GH. While the buttons for plugins like Cocoon and Weaverbird do appear in the toolbar as they should the buttons for Kangaroo 2, Ivy and Millipede are not there. All plugin files are unblocked. When I double klick the canvas and search for a component GH can't find them. I also tried to drag the plugin files from the desktop and drop them on the GH canvas but with same result.

I know Parallels issues are not supported but maybe someone had similar problems and can help me out.

Many Thanks,

Views: 3103

Replies to This Discussion

There's no error message in the Rhino command history when you drag the GHA files onto the canvas, or when Grasshopper loads?

Dear David, there are errors. They say in German: "The system can't find the file". But they are all in the components folder for sure... Many thanks for your time and help! Stefan

SOLVED...! I went through all .gha and .dll files again and they are all unblocked. BUT: The folder where they sit in - the "Libraries" folder - was blocked. I just had to unblock this folder and now all plugins are shown and working well. ///special thanks to Adam///





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