
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,

For the past week or so the activity feeds on Home and My Page appear to be broken (for me). Couple of things I've noticed:

1) On My Page the Latest Activity feed is either empty or not updated (i.e. showing old activities).

2) I no longer show up in Latest Activity feed on the Home page.

3) The Latest Activity feed on the Home page will occasionally also not be updated.

This is happening on both Chrome, Internet Explorer and iOS. I have tried logging out on all devices, clearing out the cache etc. And the problem still occurs. Anyone else experiencing something similar?



Edit0: Ironically this post appeared in the Home feed, but the problems persist!
Edit1: Or, maybe not, this post is not showing up in the Home feed using Internet Explorer!!

Views: 509

Replies to This Discussion

Hello Anders,

i am using Home too to check for new discussions, answers etc. I can confirm that latest activity is acting strange. I can see for days now multiple answers appearing and disappearing in page refresh, or during visits along the day. Even in a timeframe of 2-4 hours posts disappear, which earlier were loaded in Latest activity, show more button. Mozilla browser.

I noticed inconsistency with replies appearing on Home page as well.
For example, I post a reply, and after a couple of minutes (10,20) it appears on the Home page.
If I close the window, open a new one, then go to Grasshopper Home page again, my reply does not appear on it.

Specifically point number 3. The Latest Activity feed keeps going back to February for me. This happens across devices and appears to occur more or less randomly.

febrouary 23

is it future or is it past?

Maybe.. we'll have to wait another 25 years to find out!

Hello again,

besides the normal Groundhog Day 23rd February thing, a week now i am not getting any email notifications from the forum. Checked my profile settings everything is ticked. Have you noticed anything similar?



same here, i didnt get any notifications about answers.






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