
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi every body.

when i do true boolean toggle and run energy simulation ,it dosent work. and the eror is no data was collected

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Hi Mostapha,

I believe you are going to kill me, but i think there is something i'm missing.

See attached.

I was using the HB_HB from 27.12 and it is not working with that one (with the message i wrote above).

I've just update the HB_HB to the one from today 2.1.2015 and the problem is not solved. Worst than that, the HB_runEnergySimulation is complaining about "1. Solution exception:List". This is the version from 15.9. The newer one is not working, as i reported separately.

BTW, in the attached you can swith from one version of HB_HB to the other. With the "oldest" one you get through the simulation but can't get the surface results.

So what am i missing?




Hi Abraham,

:). Well, once you are using the latest version of Honeybee_Honeybee you need to also use the latest version of "run energy simulation" component.


Hmmmm ....
I can swear that i tried this and get the "natVent" error message. Sorry.

Still, after the update the HB_ColorSurfaces is giving error messages:

1. None of the connected srfData could be matched with the surfaces in the connected HBZones. Note that this component does not currenlty work for curved geometry E+ simulations because the surfaces are broken up and meshed in order to run it through E+.

The previous file gave surface results for opaque envelope, and errors for windows. Now you don't get any.

I'm a pain this 2015 ... :-)



:). hmm. Can you upload the file that gives you the error. I cannot generate the error on my system.

Attached, and just in case it works for you :-)
also attached a couple of pictures showing the problem (once connecting opaque surface and other with window).


This is strange. Works totally fine on my system.

I will leave this to Chris. Hopefully he can replicate the issue so we can get it fixed!


Hi Abraham,

It also works completely fine on my system and I am sure that, if you opened your GH file again, it would also work.

I imagine that the error you got results from a feature that I built in to make it possible for you to scroll through results very quickly.  Essentially, I only recall the HBZones from the hive (a process that takes about 7 seconds on my machine) only when the geometry of the zones changes.  If the names of your surfaces change but the geometry does not, you will get an error like the one you have.

Since so many people reported this as an error, I have decided to add a new boolean input to both the color surfaces and color zones for "recallHBHive_", which you can set to True to have the zones recalled from the hive each time.  I still leave the default of this as False since I value speed and this error occurs rarely.  However, you now have a way of dealing with this issue quickly when it arises.



Thank you both,

The original version doesn't work on my side, even after reopening Rhino+GH.

But the updated version works well. Moreover, i set the recallHBHive to false and it works well also.

Thanks again,







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