
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, Everyone!

I'm using interpolate curve to create a variable pipe, but there seems to be a place where the pipe isn't continuous and I can't figure out why this happens. I attached an image below to show you the thin part of the pipe. I also attached my definition so you guys can see what I did.

Is there an important detail when creating a variable pipe that I'm missing in my definition? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Roughly looked around your definition, and to me the most incomprehensible part is where there is a graph mapper and curve seam component.

1. Your input domain is 0 to 25, but the graph mapper's x-domain is 0 to 1.

2. Your number of input curve is 6, but input parameter value number is 12.(data maching error)

3  Hence the parameters of curve are all identical except the first one.

I'm not sure this part is the cause of pipe twisting problem, but after modifing this, twisting problem no longer takes place.






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