
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,


I'm having an issue with the latest release, I can't get either Ladybug or Honeybee to fly, when I drop the base component onto the workspace it freezes up and I have to kill the process.


I have updated to latest Grasshopper and python, anything basic I'm missing?


I'm only a novice user but managed very easily to get the last one up and running!



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From the what you describe and re-reading Mostapha's comments, it sounds like it is an issue with copying things to the memory of your system (or the "sticky" that Mostapha mentioned).  I attached a file that has a GHPython component that just copies stuff to the memory and another that reads it back.  Let me know if you are able to open the and get a number in the panel in the file. If not, this may be a question that we need to field to the makers of GHPython.




All good with that one, the number is there.


I have been getting another error with HB, my gh canvas has the most recent HB and LB elements on it, but even after opening and the 366 second initial calc time, some of my HB elements require that I let HB fly again.





Hi Ben and Chris,

Ben - The warning is because of the order of execution of components in Grasshopper. If you disable/enable the components with warning they will work fine. To avoid the issue next time that you open the file select Honeybee_Honeybee component and press ctrl+B so it will be executed before other components next time you open the file.

Also can you try the attached file and let me know if it runs normal. There is a version check that tries to download a file from dropbox and I wonder if that is causing the issue.


Thanks Mostapha,

that file runs in 3 seconds, so it's definitely the firewall blocking the dropbox connection.  I checked the HB update module and it also doesn't work for the same reason.


Thanks for the tip with ctrl+B as well!


Thanks for reporting Ben. It should be an easy fix then. I added the issue to github and we will get it fixed soon. Meanwhile you can use the Ladybug component with no version check.

I can't see Chris's comment here but based on what I have in my email, the component won't download the files every time. This is a version check and happens every time so it will notify the user if a newer version is available. I can add a time-out so if the connection is blocked it just passes the test.

Cool.  It is just that your company's firewall just blocks background downloads from dropbox.   Mostapha, do you think that we could put in a check to not download the files if someone has done so manually, as Ben seems to have done?

Great, thanks for all the help. This will make things easier for those of us behind company firewalls!

I'm really enjoying learning to use Grasshopper with HB and LB, so much potential. Really great to have support from you guys and the forum here too.


Ben, Can you please try the attached file and let me know if it solves the issue. It should wait only for 10s and then give up and give you a warning! Thanks, -Mostapha


Hi Mostapha,

Sorry it took 337.4 Seconds and no warning!

Hi Ben! Thanks for checking. Let's try again. Can you send me a screen capture so I see which one causes the issue? Something like the image below.

If components don't show the timing you can turn it on from Display>Canvas Widgets > Profiler

Equal times...

Thanks Ben. I will work more on this tomorrow night and will keep you posted. Looks like the timeout doesn't do anything here! Can you do me a favor and try the older versions of components? If it takes the same for those then we are 100% sure that the time out is not effective at all.






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