
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

i am not sure if it is a bug, my graphic card (open GL problem...?) or simply just me doing something wrong...

i made a little animation along a pathline (with the horster camera control) and fuzzy points "jumping".

the blurryness size is according to the distance to the camera location.

while animating the camera i get from certain angles a weird black circle around the fuzzy part that covers the points behing them...

i guess that the blurry point display works similar to scattering proxys when rendering...and somehow the alpha channel doesn't work from some angles....but i could not figure out a rule yet....

i am working in rhino 5 newest release and grasshopper 0.9.0012.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260/PCIe/SSE2, OpenGL 3.3.0

is there maybe a way to fix that myself?

thanks in advance


Views: 868


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Daniela,

the blurry dots are drawn back to front to avoid this kind of clipping, but unfortunately only within a single list. So if you draw more than one list of fuzzy points then they will tend to obscure each other resulting in these horrible clipping artefacts. 

There's little I can do about this for now, we'll need to take a deeper look at sprite drawing in Rhino5, see what we can improve.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Handy fact to know about the flat list, thanks.

Hi David,

thanks for the quick reply!

well...then it is obviously my crazy be able to give them different sizes...

but there is also good news:

from some angles it works....! :)

...was just "playing" around with all the amazing new features and commands, thanks!

hm, but Daniel Piker somehow seems to have managed to make it work....i wonder how:







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