
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


What is the reason of this error?


length of the results [=1] is not equal to the number of mesh faces [=800].



what should i do?

please help me


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Hi Tim,

I'd like to show you the error with an easy example. A simple mesh box with only six faces.

The lenght of the analysis results list equals the number of mesh faces. Check your values list.



Antonello's comment is true. But Tim's case is different. He is connecting the HB_readRADResults instead of the HB_readAnnualResultsI output.

The first one is not outputting any value. That's why the error Tim is having.


Hi Abraham

I got this problem several times, at first it runs correctly but once i change the parameters the error appears, i flatten the mesh but there is no sense!




See attached.

Your basic error is that you are connecting the NorthSign output to the north input of the AnnualRecipe instead of the real value of the north direction. The first gives you a geometry, which is not usable for further calculations.

Also fixed the direction of the floor since it's normal is pointing outwards causing the test mesh to be outside of the building.



Thanks for your attention Abraham :)

Now i work on your attachment; this time there is no error for recolor mesh, but the annual results are the same for different glzRatio.

i wonder that i can just get result for first simulation after that by changing parameters nothing happens!

I found the reason.. it is because of the North. i removed the North input and rotated the geometry manually, now it simulates without any problem. but still don't know why the North input can cause such a problem!

Yes. I was also checking this point.

I think there is a bug happening between the Recipe and the runDaylightAnalysis components.

In the image you can see that the grid from the genTestPts is ok (inside the model) but the grid after the simulation is rotated outside the model.


yeah exactly it happens.

Thanks for your explanation.

This is expected for annual analysis and is not a bug. Since there is no easy way to rotate the sky for annual analysis in Daysim, Honeybee rotates bothe the sky and the test points before running the analysis. If you use importRad component and read back the geometry from the component you'll see that the geometry is also rotated.

Ok ... but ...

I believe there is something new that i need to learn. getting the rad file/materials imported, where they are supposed to be connected in order to simulate the annual analysis?

I'll post more comments on the github ...



In the meantime i'm taking advantage of the new transformation components to get over this issue.

Please take a look and tell me what you think. makes sense?



Yeah...that's right
Tnx guys






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