
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

sequential floid system and isosurface meshing

Views: 631


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Comment by nguyen van hiep on August 24, 2015 at 10:34am

models you do so is great
You can share
how to create

thank you very much

Comment by Andreas Iosif on May 1, 2015 at 3:56am

Impressive work! Can you explain with a bit more detail the second step? thanks in advance!

Comment by Zack on February 26, 2013 at 1:54pm

Would you consider posting images of the steps? I have been using GH for a little while now, but not sure what you mean in your steps 2 & 3:

"2. reuse a SPM or stuff to influence these curves and bakes them in each sequence as a group

3.find multi-sectional metaball curves in each sequence and then using MeshFromPoints on controlpoints command on the metaball curves  (you can use direct command in rhino or embedded ing it in a script component) "  ... thanks in advance for your help!

Comment by Sharmin P. on April 11, 2012 at 1:07pm

Very beautiful and impressive. I`m new to grasshopper and I have had this question for a long time. What will come of these designs?? Are they just beautiful structure-image or will they actually be used as in tools to create something more realistic?

Comment by Amin Bahrami on April 11, 2012 at 10:12am

actually this is the result of a multiprocessing design, it means this is parametric but in three steps

first generating random point clouds from some arbitrary point as its emitters and then use SPM-Vector plugin (or somethings like Kangaroo or Lacost )for applying a dynamic or swarm system   to generating some tracing paths as multiple curves

2. reuse a SPM or stuff to influence these curves and bakes them in each sequence as a group

3.find multi-sectional metaball curves in each sequence and then using MeshFromPoints on controlpoints command on the metaball curves  (you can use direct command in rhino or embedded ing it in a script component) 

(4) also you can use SmoothMesh component in grasshopper to apply final relaxation on each group

Comment by Sophia Keivanlo on April 11, 2012 at 7:14am

which plug-ins have you used for creating these beautiful shapes? Very nice!!





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