lass BrepDeform Inherits GH_Component Public Reslist As New List(Of String) Public Sub New() MyBase.New("BrepDeform", "Deform", _ "移动物件的控制点" & vbCrLf & "(Move the control Point to change a object)", "SEG", "Modify")
End Sub Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ComponentGuid As System.Guid Get Return New Guid("8226e0ea-ed6b-47c2-8a24-244f044152d8") End Get End Property Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property Internal_Icon_24x24() As System.Drawing.Bitmap Get Return My.Resources.SEG_BrepDeform End Get End Property Protected Overrides Sub RegisterInputParams(ByVal pManager As GH_Component.GH_InputParamManager) ' pManager.AddTextParameter("Guid", "Id", "将要被替换的犀牛物件" & vbCrLf & "(RhinoObjects that will be replaced)", GH_ParamAccess.item) 'Dim guidParam As New Param_Guid pManager.AddParameter(New Param_Guid, "Guid", "Id", "将要被替换的犀牛物件" & vbCrLf & "(RhinoObjects that will be replaced)", GH_ParamAccess.item) pManager.AddPointParameter("ControlPoint3d", "C", "控制点的位置" & vbCrLf & "(Control Point's location)", GH_ParamAccess.item) pManager.AddPointParameter("NewPoint3d", "P", "新控制点的位置" & vbCrLf & "(New Control Point's location)", GH_ParamAccess.item) pManager.AddNumberParameter("Tolerace", "T", "输入点与物件实际控制点对比的精度" & vbCrLf & "(Tolerace for the Control Point match)", GH_ParamAccess.item, 0.1)
pManager.AddBooleanParameter("BlMove", "M", "如果是True则进行移动" & vbCrLf & "(If true Perform the Move)", GH_ParamAccess.item, False)
End Sub Protected Overrides Sub RegisterOutputParams(ByVal pManager As Kernel.GH_Component.GH_OutputParamManager) pManager.AddTextParameter("Result", "RG", "结果列表" & vbCrLf & "(Result)", GH_ParamAccess.list) End Sub Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Exposure As GH_Exposure Get Return GH_Exposure.primary End Get End Property
Protected Overrides Sub SolveInstance(ByVal DA As Kernel.IGH_DataAccess) If Banner.astrict.showmessage Then Return Dim Ids As Guid = Guid.Empty 'Dim Ids As String = String.Empty Dim tpt As Point3d = Point3d.Unset, opt As Point3d = Point3d.Unset Dim tolar As Double = 0.1 Dim blMove As Boolean = False If Not DA.GetData(0, Ids) Then Return If Not DA.GetData(1, opt) Then Return If Not DA.GetData(2, tpt) Then Return If Not DA.GetData(3, tolar) Then Return If Not DA.GetData(4, blMove) Then Return If Not blMove Then GoTo line1 Reslist.Add(Now & "_未替换!(Replace failed!)") Else Reslist.Clear() ' Grasshopper.Instances.ActiveCanvas.ModifiersEnabled = False End If
' rt.AddRange(docobjlist.Select(Function(geoobj As RhinoObject) GH_Convert.ObjRefToGeometry(New ObjRef(geoobj.Id)))) 'Private Checked(5) As Boolean, Namestr() As String = {"Point", "Curve", "Brep", "Mesh", "TextDot", "TextEntity"}
Dim rh As RhinoDoc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc Dim rhobj As RhinoObject = rh.Objects.Find(Ids) ' Dim rhobj As RhinoObject = rh.Objects.Find(New Guid(Ids))
Dim bobj As BrepObject = CType(rhobj, BrepObject) RhinoApp.RunScript("Cancel", False) RhinoApp.RunScript("Cancel", False) bobj.Select(True)
RhinoApp.RunScript("_SolidPtOn", False) Dim gobjs As GripObject() = bobj.GetGrips ' rh.Views.RedrawEnabled = False For Each grpobj As GripObject In gobjs
If grpobj.CurrentLocation.DistanceTo(opt) < tolar Then grpobj.Select(True) Dim CurrentPln As Plane = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane Dim tropt As New Point3d(opt), trtpt As New Point3d(tpt) tropt.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, CurrentPln)) trtpt.Transform(Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, CurrentPln))
Dim movestr As String = "_move " + String.Format("{0},{1},{2} ", tropt.X, tropt.Y, tropt.Z) + String.Format("{0},{1},{2} _Cancel _Cancel", trtpt.X, trtpt.Y, trtpt.Z) RhinoApp.RunScript(movestr, True) grpobj.Select(False) End If
'RhinoApp.RunScript("Cancel", False) 'RhinoApp.RunScript("Cancel", False) '' rh.Views.RedrawEnabled = True Reslist.Add(Now & "_替换成功!(Replace Success!)") Catch ex As Exception Reslist.Add(Now & "_替换失败!(Replace failed!)" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
End Try ' Grasshopper.Instances.ActiveCanvas.ModifiersEnabled = True
line1: DA.SetDataList(0, Reslist) End Sub
'Private Sub Testt_PingDocument(sender As IGH_DocumentObject, e As GH_PingDocumentEventArgs) Handles Me.PingDocument ' Dim Mbool = Aggregate bcbool In Checked Into cb = Any(bcbool)
' If Not Mbool Then ' Checked(0) = True ' Message = Namestr(0) ' Order = 0 ' End If 'End Sub
End Class
The picture below shows the two question.
Question One I must use data dam, or the component can't batch deal the brep. I don't know why, I have You can give me a solution to make it working normal not using the data dam
Question Two I can not uset the Button component, If I use it, the gh canvas will die with some mouse event--. I have see this problem before in this forum,but there is no solution and explain. I want to know why and How to solve it.
I don't know if I have made my question clear,if not give a message. Thank you! Thank you all.
The gh test file and 3dm test file in the upload files.
cy of design communication and the control of information-flow are as important as the creativity of ideas. In response to the concurrent digital evolution emerging in the architectural industry world-wide, the Faculty of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong will host a two week intensive summer program named Digital Practice.Led by professors from The University of Hong Kong, as well as invited practitioners with expertise in practice of cutting edge digital techniques, the program offers participants opportunities to experience applications of computational tools during different stages of an architectural project, i.e. concept design, form finding and optimization, delivery, management and communication of design information under the team-based working environment. By learning advanced computational techniques through case studies in the context of Hong Kong, participants are expected to go beyond the conventional perception of technology, considering users and tools as a feedback-based entity instead of a dichotomy. The program, which is taught in English, includes a series of evening lectures related delivered by teaching staff and invited local architects.對於高品質的建築專案,創意之外,專案過程中高效的設計資訊管理和交流成為項目設計深化和實施必不可少的環節。今天,數字化技術不但改變了建築師的繪圖工具,影響了設計的過程,而且提供了工程建造和管理實施的更有效、更高效的手段。針對建築的數位化演進,香港大學建築學院將於2011年暑假期間,在香港大學建築學院舉辦“數位化實踐”國際研習班。在香港大學建築學院教授及有著相關豐富經驗的外聘實踐建築師的指導下,學員將有機會體驗在專案的不同階段(如概念設計、設計形式的生成、優化,設計資訊的管理和交流),如何有效地應用各種運算智慧化技術(從設計的數位化生成和建築資訊類比到物理模型),提升設計實施的品質,增加設計團隊對於方案的控制。我們將挑戰對於“技術”的傳統認知,即相對於使用者它不僅是工具,更是與使用者互動的媒介,二者形成一個有機的合體。研習班期間會安排系列講座,展現數位化技術在實踐工程中的廣泛應用。…
ectural project, the efficiency of design communication and the control of information-flow are as important as the creativity of ideas. In response to the concurrent digital evolution emerging in the architectural industry world-wide, the Faculty of Architecture at The University of Hong Kong will host a two week intensive summer program named Digital Practice.Led by professors from The University of Hong Kong, as well as invited practitioners with expertise in practice of cutting edge digital techniques, the program offers participants opportunities to experience applications of computational tools during different stages of an architectural project, i.e. concept design, form finding and optimization, delivery, management and communication of design information under the team-based working environment. By learning advanced computational techniques through case studies in the context of Hong Kong, participants are expected to go beyond the conventional perception of technology, considering users and tools as a feedback-based entity instead of a dichotomy. The program, which is taught in English, includes a series of evening lectures related delivered by teaching staff and invited local architects.對於高品質的建築專案,創意之外,專案過程中高效的設計資訊管理和交流成為項目設計深化和實施必不可少的環節。今天,數字化技術不但改變了建築師的繪圖工具,影響了設計的過程,而且提供了工程建造和管理實施的更有效、更高效的手段。針對建築的數位化演進,香港大學建築學院將於2011年暑假期間,在香港大學建築學院舉辦“數位化實踐”國際研習班。在香港大學建築學院教授及有著相關豐富經驗的外聘實踐建築師的指導下,學員將有機會體驗在專案的不同階段(如概念設計、設計形式的生成、優化,設計資訊的管理和交流),如何有效地應用各種運算智慧化技術(從設計的數位化生成和建築資訊類比到物理模型),提升設計實施的品質,增加設計團隊對於方案的控制。我們將挑戰對於“技術”的傳統認知,即相對於使用者它不僅是工具,更是與使用者互動的媒介,二者形成一個有機的合體。研習班期間會安排系列講座,展現數位化技術在實踐工程中的廣泛應用。…