ts (NOT meshes) using my (still WIP) BallPivot thingy (still highly temperamental despite wast quantities of Vodka consumed - in the Name Of Science, what else?):
Watch this Forum for the forthcoming mother of all threads : Get Points > Do Something.
On the other hand (real-life):
1. A truss without connectivity is nothing.
2. A truss without clash defection is nothing.
3. A truss without instance definition(s) is more than nothing.
4. A truss without (rather very complex that one, mind) roof/envelope stuff is nothing + pointless.
5. Mesh from points without a 1000% working ball pivot thingy is like 3rd marriage.
And as you'll discover this Monday ... well ... "some" things would be MIA from the definition.
Other than that:
For Chap, David, Angel and anyone else interested on these freaky things (get points do something, that is).
Do you people think that this (mode: dense [yellow stuff] ) has any meaning?
VS that (mode: hex):
I mean for the truss itself not the roofing paraphernalia. Notice that in this handsome hex mode we've already achieved max rigidity since we deal with tetrahedral stuff.
PS: My aunt Drusilla finds the dense mode ... utterly pointless (and a bit disgusting).
That's friends is the 1M question.
he grouping of the sliders on the remote control panel.
4. Separate viewport(look at picture)
5. Cluster editor new wish
My version grasshopper 0.8.0004
Best Regards,Valentin
Kiev, Ukraine
le] demo):
1. A transformation Matrix is a 4*4 collection of 16 values that "deform" 3d things according the values in the cells. The orthodox way is to deploy "cells" left to right and top to bottom. Rhino does the opposite (why?) hence we need the transpose method.
2. Since "translate" and "perspective" are "symmetrical" the transpose boolean toggle (within the C#) "flips" rows with columns ... so we get perspective or move.
3. When in perspective "mode" the vanishing points are computed internally within a min/max limit (per X/Y/Z axis) thus avoiding the usual havoc with "extreme" perspective angles (very common "glitz" in pretty much every CAD app - CATIA excluded). Vanishing points (and limits) are oriented with respect the pos/neg value of a given control slider.
Note: slider values are percentages between min/max (mode: perspective) and/or actual values*100 (mode: move).
4.In order to start mastering the whole thing: don't change anything: just play with these 4 sliders selected:
5. The 123 sardine cans challenge: even with DeusExMachine = true (see inside C#: that one redirects the transformation per BrepFace and then joins the breps instead of applying it on a brep basis)... odd things (and/or invalid breps) occur ... thus what is required in order to make things working 100% ??.
he, he
best, Lord of Darkness …
find my initial files, reports and errors (Running E+ simulation on the initial setup took hours and ended up with numerous errors)
I got a number of questions and would appreciate if you could answer them:
1- I have duplicated zones using "Honeybee Move". Is this the correct way to duplicate zones and if yes, should I rename all surfaces afterwards? I have renamed zones but not surfaces (The tower has 40 floors = 10 x typical group of 4 floors)
2- Should I convert all curvilinear objects to faceted geometry (or only windows and window-walls should be flat)?
3- In the next stage, I will add a second skin as the outer facade. Spiral structural elements (insulated thermal mass) are between interior and exterior areas, partly exposed to the sun. Should I split both interior and exterior zones to subtract these elements, and then solve the adjacencies?
4- To simplify the procedure and make it faster, I may simulate only 4 floors. Is it possible to force-hide the top roof and the lowest floor from the sun and other environmental factors? If yes, how? and do you know how much accuracy in the results would be lost in this case? 5- The outer skin would be all in glass, therefore in reality, the direct sun will affect the inner skin and the structural elements. I read somewhere that in HB+E+ simulations, direct sun turns to diffuse after passing the first layer of glass. Is that true? If yes, how can I make the inner skin exposed to direct sun in the simulation? Thank you very much for your time.
when the trimmed shapes (red) are small enough, they just dissapear.
Then, the main shape (green) appears again, but as a trimmed shape (red).
I tested it with other elements, like Solid Difference. It performs pretty well, but I just need the trimmed shapes (red) that are above the trimming shape (blue), and with Solid Difference, the collision also happens inside the trimming shape (blue), and that´s not what I am looking for.
Attached some pictures of what I mean. I hope I made myself clear.
Any suggestions?.
Thanks a lot!
1- Good performance
2- Good performance (Without trimming shape)
3- Left side shows the cut on the main shape, but fail to show the trimmed shape (red)
4- Same on the right side
5- It shows everything but in red colour, as a trimmed shape
-Developing the winning design into a working application -Testing -Beers and BBQ
-Tutors: Gregory Epps, RoboFold founder, Florent Michel RoboFold software developer. -See previous workshops here. -Download Poster here.
-Please install Rhino5 and Grasshopper and Godzilla before this event.
-No previous experience with Grasshopper necessary. -Hours: 10am-6pm. -Location details: here.
Judged on creativity and practicality. Submit your name, association and a link to your video to robots@robofold.com We add an additional place for the winner. Flights, accommodation etc are not free...
Join us for the first Godzilla robot workshop - experiment with the easiest robot software on the Grasshopper platform.
More details and resources on: http://www.grasshopper3d.com/group/godzilla
Workshop Fee:
Student: £ 399
Professional: £ 599…
es of the mesh faces as points. Is the component HingePoints reordering the points in any particular manner, i.e. point 1 and point 2 being the opposite corners of the quad faces?
1. Solution exception:Cannot marshal 'parameter #5': Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays can only be marshaled as LPArray, ByValArray, or SafeArray).
I have attached the script and a couple of snapshots showing the red component inside the origami cluster.
Aside from this error, I had also noticed that the two last addition components which provide the RestAngle and Strength Values to the Kangaroo Physics component were loosing the '0' value entered as 'A' (they were getting Null instead). I have replaced the manual entry with a panel entry. However, I still cannot get the Kangaroo Physics component to run the simulation (or the forces might be somehow equal to the initial ones, and hence not getting the system to move in any way).
I am out of ideas as to why this might be happening. I had worked with Kangaroo before and really liked it. This origami component is really promising and I would really like to get it to work on my machine.
The grasshopper version I am using is: 0.9.064. Kangaroo is 00.096.
I would be very grateful if you could have a look into it and let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for your help!
try to get the output. In this case the output needs to be set before requesting for it. I am doing it with this call:
ret = gsaobj.Output_Init_Arr(1,"Global","A1",14003001,3)
In API help the call is documented like this:
short Output_Init_Arr (long iFlags, string sAxis, string sCase, enum ResHeader header, long num1dpos)
so this call has 5 arguments (long, string, string, long, long) (the enums are defined as longs)
This call works, because when I print the ret, i get 0 that is "succeded" so everything works so far.
Then I request the output with the following:
results = []
ret = gsaobj.Output_Extract_Arr(10,results,numcomponents)
In API help the call is documented like this:
short Output_Extract_Arr(long iRef, SAFEARRAY(struct GsaResults)*arrayResults, long* numComponents)
I am getting the error "
Runtime error (ArgumentException): Could not convert argument 1 for call to Output_Extract_Arr."
So it seems that is not accepting 10 as a long in the beginning (assuming that argument 1 is the first). I already tried passing a variable as long, using long(10) there, nothing works.
Furthermore I don't know if the other two variables are correct like that. I come from VBA where I need to declare everything but AFAIK python is more permissive in this sense. "results" should be a dynamic array of objects and "numcomponents" a long.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks! :)
and export the geometry out to VVVV to render it LIVE! RawRRRR. In this case, a digital audio workstation Ableton Live, a leading industrial standard in contemporary music production.
the good news is that VVVV and ableton live lite is both free.
i am not trying to use ipad as a controller for grasshoppper. I wanted to work with a timeline (similar to MAYA or Ableton or any other DAW(digital audio workstation)) inside grasshopper in an intuitive way. Currently there is no way of SEQUENCING your definition the way you want to see that i know of.
no more combersome export import workflows... i dont need hyperrealistic renderings most of the time. so much time invested in googling the right way to import, export ... mesh settings...this workflow works for some, for some not ...that workflow works if ... and still you cannot render it live nor change sequence of instruction WHILE THE VIDEO is played. and I think no one wants to present rhinoceros viewport. BUT vvvv veiwport is different. it is used for VJing and many custom audio visual installation for events, done professionally. you can see an example of how sound and visuals come together from this post, using only VVVV and ableton. http://vvvv.org/documentation/meso-amstel-pulse
I propose a NEW method. make a definition, wire it to ableton, draw in some midi notes, and see it thru VVVV LIVE while you sequence the animation the WAY YOU WANT TO BE SEEN DURING YOUR PRESENTATION FROM THE BEGINNING, make a whole set of sequences in ableton, go back change some notes in ableton and the whole sequence will change RIGHT INFRONT of you. yes, you can just add some sound anywhere in the process. or take the sound waves (sqaure, saw, whateve) or take the audio and influence geometric parameters using custom patches via vvvv. I cannot even begin to tell you how sophisticated digital audio sound design technology got last ten year.. this is just one example which isn't even that advanced in todays standard in sound design ( and the famous producers would say its not about the tools at all.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iwz32bEgV8o
I just want to point out that grasshopper shares the same interface with VVVV (1998) and maxforlive, a plug in inside ableton. audio mulch is yet another one that shares this interface of plugging components to each other and allows users to create their own sound instruments. vvvv is built based on vb, i believe.
so current wish list is ...
1) grasshopper recieves a sequence of commands from ableton DONE
thanks to sebastian's OSCglue vvvv patch and this one http://vvvv.org/contribution/vvvv-and-grasshopper-demo-with-ghowl-udp
after this is done, its a matter of trimming and splitting the incoming string.
2) translate numeric oscillation from ableton to change GH values
video below shows what the controll interface of both values (numbers) and the midi notes look like.
3) midi note in = toggle GH component (this one could be tricky)
for this... i am thinking it would be great if ...it is possible to make "midi learn" function in grasshopper where one can DROP IN A COMPONENT LIKE GALAPAGOS OR TIMER and assign the component to a signal in, in this case a midi note. there are total 128 midi notes (http://www.midimountain.com/midi/midi_note_numbers.html) and this is only for one channel. there are infinite channels in ableton. I usually use 16.
I have already figured out a way to send string into grasshopper from ableton live. but problem is, how for grasshopper to listen, not just take it in, and interpret midi and cc value changes ( usually runs from 0 to 128) and perform certain actions.
Basically what I am trying to achieve is this : some time passes then a parameter is set to change from value 0 to 50, for example. then some time passes again, then another parameter becomes "previewed", then baked. I have seen some examples of hoopsnake but I couldn't tell that you can really control the values in a clear x and y graph where x is time and y is the value. but this woud be considered a basic feature of modulation and automation in music production. NVM, its been DONE by Mr Heumann. https://vimeo.com/39730831
4) send points, lines, surfaces and meshes back out to VVVV
5) render it using VVVV and play with enormous collection of components in VVVV..its been around since 1998 for the sake of awesomeness.
this kind of a digital operation-hardware connection is usually whats done in digital music production solutions. I did look into midi controller - grasshopper work, and I know its been done, but that has obvious limitations of not being precise. and it only takes 0 o 128. I am thinking that midi can be useful for this because then I can program very precise and complex sequence with ease from music production software like ableton live.
This is an ongoing design research for a performative exhibition due in Bochum, Germany, this January. I will post definition if I get somewhere. A good place to start for me is the nesting sliders by Monique . http://www.grasshopper3d.com/forum/topics/nesting-sliders
h tubes are redundant so surfaces overlap instead of interpenetrate, so it is not a good system.
Cocoon is the best answer these days unless you can get Exowire/Exoskelton to work. If you want more control over shape, feed your uncapped tubes into Cocoon as meta-surfaces and delete any and all of the inner meshes to just keep the outer single closed one, but this is just duplicate-culled lines used as meta-lines:
Turn down the CS input to 0.005 for this result, from 0.02 used for faster preview. In fact bake the lines and only test Cocoon on a few of them in order to get the result you want before doing the whole thing.
Whole thing at 0.005 cell size takes 5 minutes for Cocoon and 2 minutes for refinement to a smooth and even mesh.
Actually, seems like 0.005 is way too fine, giving a 600MB STL file.
So, 0.01 cell size at less than a minute total:
159MB STL which is still a bit too big for places like Shapeways. Wow. OK then 0.02 cell size, but I have to increase diameter or my two smoothing steps in refine collapse things too much, an in fact I set it to no smoothing, getting more volume and a reasonable 46MB STL file:
Alas, now it's more frail and overly organic rather than mechanical. Increasing diameter just merges it into perforated plates too much. File size is simply an issue with this complexity level, so different 3D printing services will have different file size limits.
Exowire/Exoskeleton would work but your original mesh hasn't been MeshMachine remeshed to be regular, so short segments ruin it. Here is just a corner:
I think that's why more wires fails, at least. Pretty temperamental component.
Switching to MeshMachine is needed, I guess, instead of Cocoon refine, to remesh away so many small triangles along the boring tubes. Crucial for good remeshing was to set Flip to 0 or I failed to get a rough enough mesh.
It's an adaptive mesh so I can retain good detail while roughing out the tubes.
MeshMachine is terribly slow for this whole thing, like 6 minutes, and blows up for this overly rough setting, 20 steps, so less rough, ugh, I'm out of time. I think free Autocad Meshmixer is the way to make a better smaller mesh, after a refined output from Cocoon. MeshMachine is just too slow to tweak and when it blows up, creating massive triangles jutting out, it hangs too when you change settings.
Starting with a Cocoon refined mesh certainly helped Meshmixer. Using triangle budget lets me have full control. Here is 150K triangles instead of 200K:
STL file size down to 40MB. I think Shapeways is 70 or 100MB limit? So it can be even finer. Here is the Cocoon output versus the Meshmixer reduction:
To use Meshmixer, turn on View > Show Wireframe, Command-S to select all and use Edit > Reduce from the palette that appears.
Cocoon can end up making a few inner meshes where things get weird in your uneven original mesh with small holes so fish out the main mesh by adding a List Item node.
The best strategy for Cocoon is indeed to make an overly fine STL so you avoid any need to tweak forever in Grasshopper, but then you can achieve a smaller mesh file size while preserving shape instead of things turning all smearly organic in Grasshopper.…