
  • BenjaminMoore


    Congratulations on developing this, very interesting stuff.

    Wondering how you would compare millipede to other FEA/Optimization setups like Karamba+galapagos or GeometryGym+FEA software+Galapagos (etc?)...I'm curious to know what your take on what it's bringing to the table is. And, I thought the best would be to hear about it from "the source"?

  • Panagiotis Michalatos

    Topology optimization is not possible just in normal fea + Galapagos. You need access to the stiffness matrix. Millipede is implementing a fast fea engine which does not rely on external software so it can do relatively fast the number of iterations needed in Galapagos. But that is not the only type of optimization, there are the topology style optimizations in 2d and 3d (material distribution within volumes) or in she'll elements(and slabs that can be interpreted as variable thickness) or for frame elements(try starting with a dense network of linear elements and see the load paths emerging) . In addition extraction of stress lines in plane, plate and volume elements can give you hints for laying down reinforcement or perforation.patterns.
  • vahid farshad

    i'm working with grasshopper, but still i have the problem with data tree, what's the best way to

    fully understand it and have a reaction with data tree in the process of some complex work ?