Joaquim Filipe Reis




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  • Hooman Homayooni

    My dear friend

    hello and all the best, I rewrote one of your old definitions and there seems to be a problem that I didn't figure it out ! It will be very kind of you to take a look at it ,as always really appreciate your kind assistance.

    My thanks in advance.

  • mrymbdr

    Dear Joaquim 

    I would like you to help me in your script that you have posted it earlier 

    the surface Spreading 

    I tried to find your video put it is not their anymore 

    Thank you 

  • Mohamed Elsayed

    Hello Joaquim I was wondering if you found a solution to Miter edges offset of a polysurface brep? If you have a handy solution can you kindly share it with me? Many thanks!