Area dependent weight

One way of form-finding compression shells is to hang grids of springs, with loads applied at the nodes. However, this results in an uneven weight distribution as the nodes move about when the grid changes shape, which means the result does not accurately reflect the self weight of a continuous shell. The new Kangaroo contains area-based weight elements, which dynamically alter the loads according the size of the faces. This image shows how when using these elements, different mesh density no longer affects the final result, making it easier to find funicular shells with irregular boundaries. new version available now from the usual place:

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  • to]

    nice !

  • Hans Rebel


    Thank you for your amazing Plugin!

    Experimenting with K2, Load and VB :

    I want to inflate a triangle shaped mesh. I get only the correct inflated mesh if the mesh has equal triangles.  BTW same outcome as Meshpressure in K 1.

    What I used: a VB/component for computing a forcevector with length of areas and fed them with the neighborpts to the Load component.

    I probably misunderstood the Load. 

    Could you please advise me how to achieve my goal.

  • Guido Nieri


    First of all, compliments for the new version... 

    I would like to mache the form-finding with "area-based weight elements" as you suggested. 

    But I don´t find this new component.

    Is it possible only with scripting?

