
Bowerbird contains some tools for modeling.

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Lines and surfaces split into line segments or arcs when exporting to dxf

Hi Everyone

Thomas thank you for this awesome plugin.  It's really simple to use! 

I have been putting together a gh definition (attached) based on a tutorial (  

The problem I have is that when I export the baked waffle to a dfx file for machining the lines or surfaces or curves get split into tiny line segments and or arcs. 

This is only a problem when I use the grasshopper definition not when I use the Rhino Bowerbird BBwaffle. 

I've added a join curves command after my make boundary surface command. It didn't help.

I also tried changing my export to DXF into CAM Metric, that didn't work.

I also tried export surfaces as solids. That didn't help.  

Any ideas or is my definition just wrong? 


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    Hi Sean!

    It's nice to hear that my plugin is still usefull :)

    Apply the JOIN to the curves and not to the surfaces. Then it should work!



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      Sean Pretorius

      So if anyone wants a final working waffle definition. This will take you from Brep to CNC cutting curves.  It also has an option of outputting the model for pre-visualisation with material thickness extrusions. Thanks, Mark and Thomas!

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        Mark Loomis

        Cool website, Sean. You should design a starship for the new Star Trek Discovery series!
