Shortest Walk Tapered Branching Script

This is the script of Daniel Abalde's Peacock tapered offset post, here:

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    Nik Willmore

    The Shortest Walk component seems to be a plug-in actually, from here:

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      Nik Willmore

      When I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7, the script stopped working. Running tetgen from the CMD line said a DLL was missing. Here is that DLL to put in your Tetgen directory.

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        Timothy Tai

        Hi Nic,

        Thank you so very much for this - it's amazing.

        I noticed that in the tetrahedra mesh output, there seems to be a duplicate brep in the list, and that the two solids that are identical seem to always be the last two items in the list.

        Do you know what is happening here? 

        Is there a way to fix this problem -i.e. making a clean list- besides manually culling the last one out?

        Thank you!