How to divide a double curved surface into planar polygons

Hello everybody!

For a student project in architecture we are desperately trying to find out how we can divide a double curved surface into planar polygons (pentagons/hexagons), they can be either regular (same side lengths) or irregular ones. We have watched some tutorials of voroni surfaces, but it seems that the surface of the polygon gets tilt over the organic surface and we want to have planar surfaces. Is this possible? 
It would be great as well if we would have a limited set of around 15 modules which we could use for different shapes but which allow us to build almost every form out of them. (So the costs of the project would decrease because we could produce repetitive pieces out of one module instead of producing hundreds of different pieces).
If you could give us some advices we would be the happiest people on the planet!!(:
Thank you in advance,
Moana & Victoria